Edward (Ted) is an actor, singer-songwiter, poet, film maker, who together with his wife; Carol makes films of various length from 10 seconds to feature, on the environment, politics and life in general. They also make dramas and comedies.

They submit them to various Festivals all over the world and from time to time they get selected. Eventually most end up on YouTube under either Ceairfilms or Edward Lyon, (The ruddy faced one) and some on Vimeo and Tik Tok. He is 77 and is very grateful to have enjoyed a long, happy and healthy life, to have been married for 49 years, to have three sons and daughters in law and twelve grandchildren.

He lives on top of a cliff in the wonderful Isle of Wight, surrounded by nature, which provides a constant source of pleasure.
He is however extremely concerned with the state of the world, both politically and environmentally and wishes, we had world leaders, who possessed a good deal more common sense, integrity and compassion, so that everyone else could also enjoy long, happy and healthy lives.