Mother of Tibetans | Niklas Goslar
Filmmaker’s statement
A woman decides to have a meaningful life after entering pension age. For 30 years Irmtraut Wäger headed German Aid To Tibetans and helped the Dalai Lama and the Tibetans in exile. She collected about 30 million Euros in donations and took care of over 5.000 Tibetan godchildren. Furthermore she facilitated the construction of schools, hospitals, kindergardens and old people’s homes all over India. Today she is seen as a shining example of successful refugee relief.
My objective for making this film was to honour Irmtraut Wäger, the protagonist of the film. She was a very fine example of a human being, determined to help people in need, to take risks and overcome obstacles even at old age to reach her goals. Her strength of character, but also her humbleness fascinated me and hopefully will continue to inspire and shine.
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